The Shawshank Redemption: Shocker, its Really Good

That awkward moment when you both show up to the pregame with the same shirt on.
The Basics:
Who made it? Frank Darabont (director/writer), Stephen King (story)

Who’s in it? Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, Richie Aprile

Synopsis: Two imprisoned men (Robbins and Freeman) bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.

Ok, yes, this is my first time watching Shawshank. When people tell me I “have” to watch something, I tend to resist, especially if it’s not my preferred genre (drama). Anyways, yes, Shawshank is a great film. Its story and acting is top notch, though nothing in particular sticks out about the direction and cinematography (then again, the fact I didn’t notice it may be the highest praise). But when you’ve got a Stephen King story about hope and humanity in dire circumstances, it could look like a TV movie and still be great. It’s just a good-hearted, very well done, uplifting movie that takes pride in the best parts of human nature. And not to be cliché, but “Get busy livin, or get busy dyin” is just a really great philosophy (as long as you stick with the living part).

Scene of the film: Andy, after finally getting his library supplies, takes over the PA system to play classical music for the entire prison. I guarantee you’ll smile during it.

Watch it if you like: Just watch it; it’s one of those movies.

My Rating: 9/10
