"I didn't choose the skuxx life, the skuxx life chose me."

The Basics:
Who made it? Taika Waititi (director, writer), Barry Crump (based on the book by)
Who’s in it? Sam Neill, Julian Dennison, Rima Te Wiata, Rachel House
Synopsis: A national manhunt is ordered for a rebellious kid (Dennison) and his foster uncle (Neill) who go missing in the wild New Zealand bush. Trailer.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is an extremely fun, delightful movie that strikes an expert balance between comedy and drama. This is my first Taika Waititi film, and I was extremely impressed. His direction, and the editing, give so much life and energy and fun to the film, and enhance the comedy when called upon. But Waititi knows when to fall back on more formal film techniques to enhance the drama. It was like a Wes Anderson movie (sidenote: I’ve only seen The Grand Budapest Hotel), but without strictly sticking with that aesthetic/weirdness through the whole film. Dennison and Neill are great, and their odd couple pairing is the cornerstone of the film. Rachel House provides some fun, over-the-top villainy. Overall, Wilderpeople is a heartwarming, fun film that fits right in with the holiday season. (Oh, and Waititi is directing the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok, so I've gotten a lot more excited for that).

Scene of the film: There are several montage scenes that are just loads of fun.

Watch it if you like: coming of age films, comedies, dramas, dramedies, Pixar movies, offbeat humor, odd couple adventures, Edgar Wright, Wes Anderson

My Rating: 8/10
